Training a Registration model

We will walk you through for training registration models. All of the scripts that we refer can be found under scripts/ folder. You can refer to script, however, it is totally optional.

1) Data Preprocessing & Data Organization

The sizes of images should be the factor of 16, if not, it can be set by settings, `img_after_resize`.

The framework takes 3 names to give a unique identifier, namely –data_task_name, –output_root_path, –task_name.

  • – output_root_path defines the directory, example could be “outputs_lpba_reg”

  • – data_task_name defines the name of the dataset you are using, example could be “LPBA”

  • – task_name defines the specific name of the experiment, example could be “reg_initial_task”

Our framework requires files to be organized in a specific structure. However, it is possible to use the script in order to generate the appropriate folders and file lists. takes the following arguments:

--dataset_path : the path of output folder
--data_task_name : data task name i.e. lung_reg_task , oai_reg_task
--output_root_path  : task name i.e. run_training_rdmm_task
--preprocess : path of the folder where settings are saved,should include cur_task_setting.json
--task_type: seg or reg
--seed: seed that you would like to use
--atlas: enables the flag for image-to-atlas registration
--atlas_image_path: if you want to use one image as an atlas the absolute path to atlas image
--atlas_label_path: if you want to use atlas, the absolute path to labeled atlas
--train_size: percentage size for train set, if it is not pre-splitted
--test_size: percentage size for test set, if it is not pre-splitted
--val_size: percentage size for val set, if it is not pre-splitted

This script requires to have data splitted under dataset_path/train, dataset_path/test, dataset_path/val and in each subfolder, we need to have two folders, images and labels. In specific, below is the desired structure, if the user wants to use their split:

├── train
│   ├── images
|   |    └── image1.nii.gz
│   └── labels
|        └── label1.nii.gz
├── test
│   ├── images
|   |     └── image2.nii.gz
│   └── labels
|         └── label2.nii.gz
├── val
│   ├── images
|   |     └── image3.nii.gz
│   └── labels
|         └── label3.nii.gz

Alternatively, you can also decide to leave splitting to our end, in which case you need to have the following structure:

├── images
│   ├── image1.nii.gz
│   └── image2.nii.gz
├── labels
│   ├── label1.nii.gz
│   └── label2.nii.gz

IMPORTANT: In order to match the labels with correct images, when their names are sorted, they should be in the same order, if they have same names, it will make them ordered exactly same.

Example script can be run as following,

python --dataset_path DATASET_LOCATION --output_root_path reg_work --data_task_name lpba_reg --task_type reg

2) Registration Training Script and Settings

Below are the command line arguments that accepts.

Assume there is three-level folder, output_root_path/ data_task_folder/ task_folder
    --output_root_path/ : the path of output folder
    --data_task_name/ : data task name i.e. lung_reg_task , oai_reg_task
    --task_name / : task name i.e. run_training_rdmm_task
    --setting_folder_path/ : path of the folder where settings are saved,should include cur_task_setting.json
    --gpu_id/ -g: on which gpu to run


Also, this registration network (default setting) is derivate of VoxelMorph [ref], where we predict the down-scaled displacement field using U-Net. By the construction, it does not guarantee folding-free solution, however there is another models included in the framework with folding-free guarantees. One of which is the derivate of the VoxelMorph method [ref], that uses VAE-like model and step-by-step refinement for the displacement map that replicates the integration scheme. We also further provide LDDMM and momentum based models, the example settings could be found under settings_for_lpba/reg_train. It is really important to babysit the training if a new dataset is used, and the records can be found under output_root_path/data_task_name/task_name/records, we recommend to try different loss measures, such as Localized Cross Correlation, with different factors for regularization. The coefficient for similarity loss is set to 1, so you can tune the registration loss coefficient and the learning rate to tune the training. Further, if labels for the dataset is provided, we measure the performance in terms of Dice and Jacobi distances with respect to registered labels. It is possible to replicate our training process using our setting, which can be found under scripts/settings_for_lpba/reg_lddmm_train/curr_task_settings.json. Moreover, it is possible to use momentum based methods, such as sVSF and LDDMM, which has a deep learning part for momentum generation and affine alignment.

In order to start training, you need to execute the following script:

python -ts scripts/settings_for_lpba/reg_voxelmorph_train/curr_task_settings.json --output_root_path lpba_reg --data_task_name lpba --task_name reg_with_unet

Pre-alignment with affine network

You can pre-align images using affine transformations, which can be enabled from settings. The affine transformations are predicted by a small neural network. It is handy and recommended for atlas-based registration, especially when an atlas from another dataset is utilized. In order to enable it, you need to set using_affine_init to True, under the reg object. We provide two different affine models, modified by using_complex_net, True. An example affine network setting could be like following:

  "affine_net": {
      "acc_multi_step_loss": false,
      "affine_net_iter": 3,
      "epoch_activate_extern_loss": 20,
      "epoch_activate_multi_step": 30,
      "epoch_activate_sym": 40,
      "epoch_activate_sym_loss": 40,
      "initial_reg_factor": 10,
      "min_reg_factor": 1e-3,
      "sym_factor": 0.01,
      "reset_lr_for_multi_step": false,
      "using_complex_net": true

Resume the training

If the training needs to be resumed for further fine-tuning, the procedure below can be followed:

To do this, we need to change a few parameters in our settings JSON, which can be found under –setting_folder_path

  • set “continue_train”: true and set “continue_train_lr”

  • optional, if the epoch number needs to be reset into a given number, set “reset_train_epoch” and “load_model_but_train_from_epoch”

  • set “model_path” as the path of the checkpoint

python -ts settings_for_lpba/reg_voxelmorph_train/curr_task_settings.json --output_root_path lpba_reg --data_task_name lpba --task_name reg_with_unet_resumed

Momentum-based models

We support a wide array of models, both parametric and non-parametric methods. Our framework is integrated with Mermaid framework, which supports various registration models such as LDDMM and vSF. Furthermore, it provides deep-network accelerated versions for momentum-based registration, where it generates the initial momentum via deep networks. In order to start a momentum based model, you need to have the settings for mermaid as well. An example mermaid setting file can be found under settings. One important note is the path we set in task setting should be absolute path to mermaid settings. “mermaid_net_json_pth:” “scripts/settings_for_lpba/reg_lddmm_train/mermaid_nonp_settings.json” should be set under mermaid_net object.

Loss measures to use

We support mean squared error (MSE), normalized cross correlation (ncc), localized normalized cross correlation (lncc), absolute difference (L1).

Advanced settings for training

The regularization is mainly controlled by the smoother applied on an initial momentum, which is controlled by Mermaid settings. The smoother is generally a multi-gaussian, with standard deviations and their corresponding weights. If you would like to see less regular deformations, you can use weights like 0.25, 0.25, 0.1, 0.15 0.25. Default weights should produce mild results in the most cases.



Tracking the training

We can observe the training under output_root_path/data_task_name/task_name, which can be import to Tensorboard, as it saves in the .tfevents format. Also, it is recommended to check output_root_path/data_task_name/task_name/records folder to see intermediate result for specific images.

3) Evaluation of Registration Network