Prepare Data

For all methods, SimpleITK is used as the image IO and our test is based on “nii.gz” format.

Non-Training Registration Tasks

For non-training tasks, we support two kind of input format.

  • put image list in command line.

  • put image list in .txt file, each line of the txt include 4 terms: s_pth t_pth ls_path lt_path

s refers to source, t refers to target, ls refers to label of source (leave empty or string “None” if not exist), lt refers to label of target (leave empty or string “None” if not exist)*


  • command line:

python --setting_folder_path ./demo_settings/mermaid/opt_vsvf --gpu_id 0  --task_output_path ./demo_output/mermaid/opt_vsvf -s ./examples/9352883_20051123_SAG_3D_DESS_LEFT_016610798103_image.nii.gz ./examples/9761431_20051103_SAG_3D_DESS_RIGHT_016610945809_image.nii.gz -t ./examples/9403165_20060316_SAG_3D_DESS_LEFT_016610900302_image.nii.gz ./examples/9211869_20050131_SAG_3D_DESS_RIGHT_016610167512_image.nii.gz
  • txt file:

python --setting_folder_path ./demo_settings/mermaid/opt_vsvf --gpu_id 0  --task_output_path ./demo_output/mermaid/opt_vsvf --pair_txt_path ./oai_examples.txt

Training Registration Tasks

We assume there is three level folder, output_root_path/ data_task_folder/ task_folder. Our script is capable of generating corresponding directory structure, just using it will be enough.

  • In data_task_folder, each folder refer to different preprocessing strategies or different datasets, i.e. lung tasks and brain tasks. It might as well could be different splits of the data too.

  • In task_folder, each folder refer to a specific setting, for a specific dataset setting.

Thus, the folders will be created as output_root_path/data_task_folder/your_current_task_name.

For training tasks, the data should be organized as following:

  • train, val, test, debug (subset of train data, to check overfit) folder should be put under output_root_path/data_task_folder, each of the folder should include pair_path_list.txt and pair_name_list.txt

  • pair_path_list.txt: each line of the txt include 4 terms: source_path, target_path, labels_for_source_image_path, labels_for_target_image_path

  • pair_name_list.txt: each line of the txt include 1 term: the pair name the file is line to line corresponded with pair_path_list.txt

Data Augmentation Tasks

We support two different data augmentation strategy, random augmentation and anatomical augmentation.

  • For the random augmentation, we support Bspine augmentation and fluid-based random augmentation.

  • For the anatomical augmentation, we support random sampling and data inter-/extra-polation.

Both tasks take a txt file recording file paths as input, items in the same line are separated by the space:

  • For the random augmentation, the augmentation takes place among different lines, each line refers to a image and corresponding label (string “None” if not exist).

  • For the anatomical augmentation, the augmentation takes place in a line, each line refers to a path of source image, paths of target images and the source label (string “None” if not exist), the labels of target images(None if not exist).

Additionally, an optional input is a txt file recording filename:

  • For the random augmentation, each line include a image name.

  • For the anatomical augmentation, each line include a source name and a series of target names.