Training on LPBA Dataset

We will walk you through for LPBA dataset in this tutorial. For this dataset, we will be using our default setting, which can be found under default_settings/lpba_segmentation.

Firstly, you need to download the preprocessed dataset from <gdrive_link_uploading_atm>, after that, you can extract the dataset to DATASET_PATH.

1) Data Preprocessing & Data Organization

As the data is already pre-preprocessed, we only need to generate the training image lists. This can be done by using script, it will generate the desired structure for project.

You need to provide 3 names to give a unique identifier, namely –data_task_name, –output_root_path, –task_name.

  • – output_root_path defines the directory, example could be “outputs_lpba_segmentation”

  • – data_task_name defines the name of the dataset you are using, example could be “lpba_segmentation”

  • – task_name defines the specific name of the experiment, example could be “segmentation_initial_task”

Example script can be run as following,

python --dataset_path DATASET_LOCATION --output_root_path outputs_lpba_segmentation --data_task_name lpba_segmentation

2) Segmentation Training Script and Settings

Below are the command line arguments that accepts.

Assume there is three-level folder, output_root_path/ data_task_folder/ task_folder
    --output_root_path/ : the path of output folder
    --data_task_name/ : data task name i.e. lung_reg_task , oai_reg_task
    --task_name / : task name i.e. run_training_rdmm_task
    --setting_folder_path/ : path of the folder where settings are saved,should include cur_task_setting.json
    --gpu_id/ -g: on which gpu to run


It is possible to replicate our training process using our setting, which can be found under demo_settings/segmentation_lpba/curr_task_settings.json. The detailed explanation for settings will be provided. For LPBA Segmentation, you can use the setting file under demo_settings/segmentation_lpba/ folder. In order to start training, you need to execute the following script:

python -ts demo_settings/segmentation_lpba/curr_task_settings.json --output_root_path outputs_lpba_segmentation --data_task_name lpba_segmentation --task_name initial_lpba_segmentation